“I am being investigated by OPG – What should I do?” If this applies to you, as OPG Investigation Specialist Solicitors, here are our Five Top tips if you receive a letter from the OPG 1. What should I do? Don’t Panic! The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) who are responsible for policing Attorneys, […]
Legal Rights of Care Home Residents -A Recent Example Of The Law In Action
Legal Rights of Care Home Residents -a recent example of the law in action – Can a local authority put parents in different care homes? Summary David and Dianne Steene, experts in adult social care law, supported a client whose Local Authority was threatening to split up her parents who had been married for 60 […]
Steene Law Helps Suspended Attorneys Recover Their Authority
At Steene Law Ltd we are often contacted by Attorneys who either have been or are in the process of being removed by the Office of the Public Guardian, having inadvertently breached the Mental Capacity Act by making gifts to themselves out of the Donor’s money. This often happens where the Donor is a parent […]
Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) Investigations- some good news for a change!
On 10th of November 2021, the OPG confirmed that Attorneys and Deputies are finally entitled to see a Donor’s medical records. This will help our clients who have been accused of not acting in their family member’s best interests. This is welcome news. At Steene Law we specialise in acting for people who have been […]
Reflections on Recent OPG Investigation Cases
Performing the role of Attorney for a family member or friend is not a task that should ever be taken lightly. Not only is there a huge weight of expectation from the Donor but there is a duty to perform the tasks required to the letter of the law. And at any stage, there is […]
Steene Law Detects Changes in Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) Attorney Investigations Procedure
Being accused of failing to act in the best interests of a Donor who has made a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can come as a considerable shock to anyone who has been placed into the trusted role of Attorney, especially if there is no basis for such allegations. Whether it is a member of […]
Has your elderly relative recently gone into residential care but not received a bill?
Here’s why they could end up with a very large bill after the Covid-19 crisis ends And we explain what you need to do NOW to protect them During the Covid-19 crisis, the rules that normally govern care home funding have changed. If your relative is a self-funder – meaning they have more than £23,250 […]
Continuing Health Care – if now is not the time to fix the injustice of poor elderly care, when is?
At this time of national crisis, the focus is very much on protecting the elderly. And yet, the ongoing scandal of NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) continues and is in danger of being forgotten. This would be a travesty. Whilst, quite rightly, our focus is on protecting our elderly relatives from COVID-19, we need to […]
Whatever happened to the Government’s promise to “fix the crisis in social care”?
If your loved one is struggling to obtain a decent standard of social care, we tell you what you can do about it NOW When Boris Johnson stood on the steps of Number 10 Downing Street, he promised the nation he would fix the crisis in social care once and for all. He pledged, on […]
Fighting for Continuing Health Care funding?
Thinking of quoting ‘Coughlan’ in your battle for CHC? Think again! We explain why an internet search often leads to misleading CHC information It comes as quite a shock to many people, when they discover that social care is not free for everyone. Like most things in life, we only discover the real facts at […]