"I am being investigated by OPG - What should I do?" If this applies to you, as OPG Investigation Specialist Solicitors, here are our Five Top tips if you receive a letter from the
Read more Legal Rights of Care Home Residents -a recent example of the law in action - Can a local authority put parents in different care homes? Summary David and Dianne Steene, experts in adult social
Read more At Steene Law Ltd we are often contacted by Attorneys who either have been or are in the process of being removed by the Office of the Public Guardian, having inadvertently breached the Mental
Read more On 10th of November 2021, the OPG confirmed that Attorneys and Deputies are finally entitled to see a Donor's medical records. This will help our clients who have been accused of not acting in
Read more Performing the role of Attorney for a family member or friend is not a task that should ever be taken lightly. Not only is there a huge weight of expectation from the Donor but
Read more Being accused of failing to act in the best interests of a Donor who has made a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can come as a considerable shock to anyone who has been placed
Read more Here’s why they could end up with a very large bill after the Covid-19 crisis ends And we explain what you need to do NOW to protect them During the Covid-19 crisis, the rules
Read more At this time of national crisis, the focus is very much on protecting the elderly. And yet, the ongoing scandal of NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) continues and is in danger of being forgotten.
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